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So Long, and Thanks for All the Kuo-toa!

23 de June de 2024

TL;DR: All RPGist.net websites will be taken down after the end of July 2024.

The RPGist project is reaching the end of its journey. This is farewell.

I started RPGist.net in 2015 as a personal project. At the time, I developed RPGist LFG with the goal of connecting RPGists who lived nearby and making it easier for in-person RPG groups to form, and I hoped it would help me find my own group as I wanted to get back into playing. It didn't work out ve...

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Log In With Facebook: Removed

23 de May de 2022

The "Log In with Facebook" button has just been removed from the RPGist platform.

Don't worry, no accounts have been deleted and no data has been lost.

Read this post from October 7, 2021, for more details: Log In With Facebook Button: To Be Removed.

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Fix: Creating Bards and Wizards characters

22 de May de 2022

An inconsistency in our database has been fixed that was causing an error when trying to create a character with the Bard or Wizard classes in the RPGist's D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper.

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  • d&d 5e spellcaster helper

Generate Cantrip Scrolls

21 de May de 2022

Now the RPGist's D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper scroll generator allows you to select spells of level zero (cantrips).

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  • d&d 5e spellcaster helper

Homebrew Spells Form Improvements

20 de May de 2022

The RPGist's Spellcaster Helper homebrew spell creation form just got the following improvements:

  • "Casting Conditions" field, for spells that, for example, can only be cast as reactions to specific circumstances.
  • Indicator (*) in required field names.
  • Helper texts below the less intuitive fields.

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Log In With Facebook Button: To Be Removed

07 de October de 2021

The Log in with Facebook button will most likely stop working tomorrow, September 8, and is going to be removed from RPGist soon.

Don't worry, you won't lose your account or data.

For those who are used to logging in to the RPGist platform with their Facebook, you must only use the Password Recovery feature (link below) and submit the same email address you use to log in to your Facebook account.

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Homebrew Spell Casters Field

10 de September de 2021

Two enhancements have been made to the Spellcaster Helper spell creation form:

  • The Description field now has a hint about the possible use of HTML for text formatting purposes.
  • A new field has been added for selecting the possible spellcasters for the spell being edited.
  • Prior to this update, the only way to associate spells with classes or specializations was to edit the classes/spe...

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    • d&d 5e spellcaster helper

    Fix: Homebrew Spell Yes/No Fields

    10 de September de 2021

    When creating or editing Homebrew spells on the RPGist's Spellcaster Helper, fields that can be answered with Yes or No, like the "Is Ritual?" or the fields about Somatic or Verbal components, were not being persisted when the spell was saved.

    This bug has been fixed in today's update.

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    Spellcaster Helper Content Management Changes

    28 de August de 2021

    If you've read our post Spellcaster Helper 2.0: Everything Is Gonna Change! from 3 months ago, you already know what has changed. Otherwise, stay here and I'll explain it in detail.

    In short: all proprietary content has been removed from the platform's databases, and we've included support for managing homebrew content that is stored in your browser.

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    22 de May de 2021

    The LFG was the first RPGist project, created with the goal of helping RPG players around the world to discover each other and get together to play RPGs. This happened at a time when there were no specific services available for this. We had to resort to forums and groups on social networks.

    The project went through several iterations, multiple versions, and improvements, but it never took off. The community did not adopt it.

    It's time to acknowledge the failure: I ...

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