RPGist Blog

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Deactivate and Activate Account on LFG

10 de September de 2019

Now it is possible to deactivate and re-activate your RPGist LFG Account.

To deactivate your account, just go to your Preferences page, click the button and confirm the action.

Users with deactivated accounts won't be shown in the Players Searcher and won't be able to use neither the Groups nor the Players Searchers until they activate their account.

The switch to turn off the "Looking for Group?" was...

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LFG Search bar close buttons

04 de September de 2019

UX improvement in RPGist's RPG LFG Platform: buttons to close the filter bar for GMs, players, and groups.

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  • fix
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Fix: users search on LFG

29 de August de 2019

A bug on the integration between the RPGist's RPG Looking For Group platform, the LFG, and the RPGist Accounts has just been fixed.

Some users were having problems trying log in their accounts or searching RPG players or game masters.

If you are still having problems with this or anything else, please let me know at admin@rpgist.net or ...

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Mining on D&D 5e Names Generator

27 de August de 2019

Communicating that the RPGist's D&D 5e Names Generator now uses CoinIMP to mine cryptocurrency, just like the D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper and the RPG Looking for Group platform. The mining program is configured to consume as little of the users processor as possible, not to crash, and it doesn't wor...

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D&D Names Generator on HTTPS

24 de August de 2019

The RPGist's D&D 5e Names Generator has just been moved to the same server as the other RPGist apps and now it is available on HTTPS.

The app is also integrated with RPGist Accounts, the RPGist's Single Sign On service.

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  • fix
  • lfg

Fix: LFG email notification

21 de August de 2019

The RPGist's RPG Looking for Group Platform emits email notifications everytime someone invites you to their RPG Group, and when a compatible RPG Group is published, and in other events that you can find in your Preferences page.

However, since LFG was moved to the new host and integrated with RPGist Accounts, ema...

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  • d&d 5e spellcaster helper

Spellcaster Helper migrated!

21 de August de 2019

It's done! The RPGist D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper is now hosted along with the other RPGist apps!

From now on, I am directly managing the application server, its database, cache service and everything else. If you see anything not working as it should, please send a message at admin@rpgist.net or on the social networks.

Along w...

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Moving the Spellcaster Helpers to a new host

20 de August de 2019

The RPGist D&D 5e Spellcaster Helpers is moving to a new host. During the early hours of today, the database will be frozen until the migration finishes.

At the end of the migration, everything should be back to normal. I'll let you know on a post here and on social networks when it's done.

I will now directly manage the site server and database, so there may be some stumbling along the way. It ...

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  • d&d 5e spellcaster helper

Filter characters by race

15 de August de 2019

Now your can also filter your characters list on the D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper by their race.

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  • d&d 5e spellcaster helper

Fix: Printing characters' spell lists

15 de August de 2019

The printing layout of the characters' spell list on the D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper was broken and has been fixed (again).

The web browsers often mess with it when they are updated. We will probably have to keep fixing it once in a while forever.

Please let me know if (or rather when) it happens again.

Good games!

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