RPGist Blog

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Post tags on the Blog

07 de August de 2019

Now the posts here in the RPGist Blog are tagged to make easier to know the type of content of each post.

On the next update the tags will become clickable and will lead to a list of posts that have the same tag.

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  • d&d 5e spellcaster helper

Mystic Arcanum on the Spellcaster Helper

05 de August de 2019

The RPGist's D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper now supports the warlock Mystic Arcanum class feat.

On the 11th, warlocks characters can learn one 6th level spell.

On the 13th, warlocks characters can learn one 7th level spell.

On the 15th, warlocks characters can learn one 8th level spell.

On the 17th, warlocks characters can learn one 9th level spell.

These spells from Mystic Arcanum do not count...

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Login with Google

27 de July de 2019

Now you can also sign in to RPGist Accounts using Google login.

One more step completed in the preparations for integrating the D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper with the RPGist apps' integrated login system.

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Username in your RPGist profile

26 de July de 2019

In respect of our users' privacy, the RPGist' RPG Looking for Group platform uses a customizable username as a form of identification instead of real names.

In the process of migrating the D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper to the server that runs the other RPGist apps, it has become necessary for these usernames to be accessible to other RPGist apps besides

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  • fix
  • d&d 5e spellcaster helper

FIX: Warlock spells search

24 de July de 2019

Bug fix on the spells index of the RPGist's D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper: now it is possible to filter spells by the Warlock class and see the spells of the 6th level and above.

The default behavior of the spell filter by class was to hide all spells from levels for which the selected class has no spell slots. This works well for Fighters (Eldritch Knight) and Rogue (Arca...

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  • d&d 5e spellcaster helper

Muticlass support on the D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper

22 de July de 2019

The spellsheet manager of the RPGist D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper already allowed characters to have multiple classes, but it did not correctly apply the rule for sharing spell slots between them.

Previously, upon entering your multiclass character's "Play" page, each class had its own spell slots, which were managed independently: by burning a spell slot from one class, the spell slots of the other classes were unaffected.

The Rule As Writ...

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LFG's RPG system selector optimization

06 de July de 2019

The RPG system selector of the RPGist's RPG Looking for Group platform, used to fill in your Game Preferences and on the search filters of players and groups, has just received an improvement:

Some RPG systems have a relatively long name and are known by a shorter one, such as D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) and GURPS (Generic Universal RolePlaying System). In these cases, only the long name was used in the selector. If you searched for "D&D" or "G...

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LFG cache

05 de July de 2019

The RPGist's RPG Looking for Group platform now caches information such as Locations, RPG Systems and other that are used in the Game Preferences selectors and in the Players and Group Search filters.

Both HTTP caching and server caching with Memcached were implemented. This should improve response time and the usage of mobile data for mobile users.

Actually the main goal of this implementation is to take...

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  • d&d 5e spellcaster helper

D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper new address

04 de July de 2019

The RPGist's D&D 5e Spellcaster Helper has a new address: https://dnd5spells.rpgist.net

But don't worry about remembering the new path, carry on using the old one and you will be automatically redirected.

One side effect is that the ads stopped working until the advertising program approves the new domain. It should be working again soon.

It is not much of a change, the only difference is that t...

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Privacy policy page update

30 de June de 2019

Our privacy policy page has been updated: we now have a new partner, the Google Cloud, where some of our apps are hosted.

In addition, the page has been moved to RPGist Apps.

Previously the page was in the LFG because, as I mentioned in other posts, it was RPGist's first app, and it needed a privacy polic...

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